Race Log Order Form ( and Registration Form) ___________________________________________ Print this page and mail along with payment to: ELB Software, PO Box 463, Lake Bluff, IL 60044. Allow 10 days for delivery of current release unless overnite is specified. Customer Information: NAME_________________________________________ SAILING CLUB_________________________________ ADDRESS 1 ___________________________________ ADDRESS 2 ___________________________________ CITY, STATE__________________________________ PHONE (____)________________ ZIP ____________ EMAIL _______________________________________ Product: Race Log ---------------------PRICE-------- QTY ---------COST------------ $29.95 _______ _________ Shipping & Hdlg ($1.50) _________ or Overnite ($11.50) _________ (IL residents add 6.5% ) _________ TOTAL Enclosed $ _________ Computer Type: ____ IBM compatible (286 or higher) ____ older (8086, IBM PC/XT or compatible) Deliver on: ____ 3 1/2 (1.44M) diskette ____ 5 1/4(1.2M) floppy diskette ---------------------------------------------------------------- Mail to: ELB Software, PO Box 463, Lake Bluff, IL 60044